Get the RED Scale

Here you can download the version of the Reward-based Eating Drive (RED) scale for use in your study. This scale is free of charge and can be administered on paper or using an online platform such as Qualtrics, REDCap, or SurveyMonkey.​

13-item RED (English)​​

Click here to download the 13-item RED (English)
Click here to access the below paper               

Citation: Mason, A.E., Vainik, U., Acree, M., Tomiyama, A.J., Dagher, A., Epel, E.S., & Hecht F.M. (2017). Improving assessment of the spectrum of reward-related eating: The RED-13. Frontiers in Psychology, May 30;8:795.​

9-item RED (English)​​

Click here to download the original 9-item RED (English)
Click here to access the below paper

Citation: Epel, E., Tomiyama, A. J., Mason, A., Laraia, B. A., Hartman, W., Ready, K., … Kessler, D. (2014). The Reward-Based Eating Drive Scale: A self-report index of reward-based eating. PloS One, 9(6), e101350​​

5-item RED (English)​

Click here to download the 5-item RED (English)
Click here to access the below paper

Citation: Vainik, U., Han, C., Epel, E.S., Dagher, A., & Mason, A.E. (2019). Rapidly assessing reward-related eating: The RED-X5. Obesity.​​

13-item RED (Turkish)

Click here to access the article and 5-item RED (Turkish)

Citation: Saruhan, N. (2021). Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of the Reward-Related Eating Scale (Red-13) (master thesis).  Istanbul Aydın University Institute of Health Science, Istanbul.

13-item RED (Brazilian Portuguese)​​

Click here to download the 13-item RED (Brazilian Portuguese)

Citation: Silva, TL, Urbanetto JS and Feoli AMP. (2023) Psychometric Properties and Prediction of Overweight and Obesity of the Brazilian Version of The Reward-Based Eating Drive Scale. (master thesis) Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Brazil.

Selected articles and studies that used, are using, or have published their intention to use the RED scale:

  • Mason, A. E., Epel, E. S., Aschbacher, K., Lustig, R. H., Acree, M., Kristeller, J., … & Laraia, B. (2016). Reduced reward-driven eating accounts for the impact of a mindfulness-based diet and exercise intervention on weight loss: Data from the SHINE randomized controlled trial. Appetite, 100, 86-93.
  • Mason, A., Laraia, B. A., Daubenmier, J., Hecht, F. M., Lustig, R. H., E. Puterman, … Epel, E. S. (2015). Putting the brakes on the “drive to eat”: Pilot effects of naltrexone and reward based eating on food cravings among obese women. Eating Behaviors, 9, 53–56.
  • Moizé, V., Pi-Sunyer, X., Vidal, J., Miner, P., Boirie, Y., & Laferrère, B. (2016). Effect on Nitrogen Balance, Thermogenesis, Body Composition, Satiety, and Circulating Branched Chain Amino Acid Levels up to One Year after Surgery: Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial on Dietary Protein During Surgical Weight Loss. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(4).
  • Spit for Science: An undergraduate cohort study at Virginia Commonwealth University. Check it out here!